

George Washington Inaugural Buttons
George Washington Inaugural Button Memorable Era


There are a surprising number of varieties of buttons issued for George Washington's inaugural in 1789. They have sold from hundreds of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars!

On this page we review a few of the George Washington buttons with prices they have sold for.

With this information you may get a general idea of what a button is worth, or what you should pay for a similar button.

All the buttons are rare, with some being much rarer than others.

Long Live the President

This inaugural button has the letters GW in the middle for George Washington.

Around the edge it says Long Live the President.

Although not in the best shape, this button sold for $2129.

George Washington Inaugural Button Long Live the President

We also saw a different version in copper with a stylized GW in the middle with the text Long Live the President.

It sold for $500.

Due to the crisp clarity and cleanliness we suspect this is a copy somewhat less than 225 years old.

George Washington Inaugural Button Long Live the President

Memorable Era

This button has an eagle with a shield and a star over its head.

Around the button it says March the 4th 1789 Memorable Era.

Interesting, President Washington's inauguration was actually on April 30th.

This button sold for $1750.

George Washington Inaugural Button Memorable Era

Currently for Sale

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