ANDREW MARSHALL WATTERS, ) Case Number: FMS-10-386105
Petitioner ) Hearing Date: February 27, 2018
VS. ) Hearing Time: 9:00 AM
REBECCA BEARD, ) Department: 404
Respondent ) Presiding: DANIEL A. FLORES
After considering the pleadings and declarations submitted for and against the subject requests for orders, the Court makes the following findings and orders: The current orders will remain in full force and effect with the exception that for the upcoming summer, Petitioner shall have one 2-week period with the child in July and one 1-week period with the child in August. Each extended summer visit will begin on a Friday afternoon/evening and end on a Friday afternoon/evening. There will be a minimum of a two week gap between these two extended summer visits. Petitioner shall have the right to select the dates that best suit him, but must inform Respondent of his choices for all summer dates, in writing, no later than March 31, 2018.
No further review hearing is set. Any party requesting a future change can do so by filing a new Request for Orders.