Thomas hickman v. wash multifamily laundry systems

Lawzilla Additional Information: The final court order did not include attorney sanctions

Case Number: BC690179 Hearing Date: October 17, 2019 Dept: 5

Superior Court of California
County of Los Angeles
Department 5

Thomas hickman, et al.,



wash multifamily laundry systems, et al.,


Case No.: BC690179

Hearing Date: October 17, 2019


motions to compel discovery responses


The hearing on this motion, set for October 17, 2019, will start at 2:30 p.m. rather than 1:30 p.m.


Defendant Wash Multifamily Laundry Systems (“Defendants”) moves to compel responses from Plaintiffs Thomas Wayne Hickman and Angela Barnett (“Plaintiffs”) to Form Interrogatories, Set Two (“FROG”). Defendant also moves to deem admitted matters specified in Requests for Admissions, Set One (“RFA”) that Defendant served on Plaintiffs. After Defendant served these motions, Plaintiffs served responses to the discovery at issue. Accordingly, the motions are moot except as to sanctions.

The Court concludes that Plaintiffs’ failure to timely respond to the discovery is an abuse of the discovery process. The court awards sanctions against Plaintiffs and their counsel of record, the Law Offices of Jacob Emrani, in the amount of $920, based upon four hours of attorney time at $200 per hour plus two filing fees of $60 each.


Defendant’s motions to compel are moot except with respect to sanctions. The Court orders Plaintiffs and their counsel-of-record, the Law Offices of Jacob Emrani, jointly and severally, to pay sanctions in the amount of $920 within thirty (30) days of notice of this order. Defendant shall provide notice and file proof of such with the Court.

DATED: October 17, 2019 ___________________________

Stephen I. Goorvitch

Judge of the Superior Court

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