Amalie Lopez v. Jose Angel Lopez Gastelum

Amalie Lopez v. Jose Angel Lopez Gastelum
Case No: 19FL00425
Hearing Date: Tue Oct 29, 2019 10:30

Nature of Proceedings: Req. for Order: Modification Visit/Peaceful Exchange of Minor Children/Emergency Contact Method

Req. for Order: Modification Visit/Peaceful Exchange of Minor Children/ Emergency Contact Method

Attorneys: Petitioner in pro per

Ruling: There is no proof of service and the Court anticipates that father will ask for another continuance. Continued on the Court’s own motion to December 17, 2019.


This matter was filed on 9/4; father seeks to modify a visitation order and provide for peaceful contact for purpose of exchange of the minor children; he tells the Court that the Court granted a 3-year restraining order to protect Mother Amalie Lopez. Respondent Father Jose Angel Lopez Gastelum was granted the reasonable right of visitation. He cannot contact the Mother in order to coordinate this. He wants to have contact with his children as he is a loving father.

The case was continued on 9/6 and again on 10/1 because the moving party could not get the moving papers served.

There is no proof of service; indeed nothing has been filed in the case since the 10/1 Minute Order; the Court anticipates that father will ask for another continuance.

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