Are You Getting Sued for a Non Compete?

If you are being sued for a non-compete agreement, or facing the possibility of a lawsuit, you need to immediately contact attorney Brian Kindsvater.

You can contact him through the form at

This is only if you are in California.

Mr. Kindsvater is perhaps “the” expert on California non-compete and related issues. Representing both employees and employers.

His practice is statewide.

You do not want to ignore a lawsuit or threat of a lawsuit. If you ignore the matter and default you may lose certain rights, such as where you can work, that you would never have lost if the lawsuit was challenged.

Brian Kindsvater can also evaluate whether any cross-claims may exist that can level the playing field, or perhaps change the entire dynamic of a claim.

If a lawsuit is filed in California you have 30 days to respond. On the 31st day your default can be taken without any further notice to you.

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