Case Number: BC719398 Hearing Date: November 22, 2019 Dept: 4B


On August 24, 2018, Plaintiff Azatui Surenyan (“Plaintiff”) filed this action against the County of Los Angeles. On September 16, 2019, Plaintiff filed a first amended complaint against defendants City of Los Angeles, Meena Family Trust, Mike J. Meena, as Trustee of the Meena Family Trust, and Kelly L. Meena, as Trustee of the Meena Family Trust, asserting causes of action for negligence, governmental tort liability, and premises liability, arising out of an alleged trip-and-fall on December 1, 2017.

On August 20, 2019, Defendants Mike J. Meena, Trustee of the Meena Family Trust, and Meena Family Trust (collectively “Defendants”) served discovery requests and a request for a statement of damages on Plaintiff. Plaintiff did not respond. On October 2, 2019, Defendants gave an extension to October 9, 2019, but received no response. On October 17, 2019 Defendants filed motions to compel Plaintiff to respond to Requests for Production of Documents (Set One), Form Interrogatories (Set One), and the Request for a Statement of Damages.

Plaintiff filed an opposition saying that a paralegal mis-calendared the response date. Plaintiff’s counsel states Plaintiff provided responses, citing to an Exhibit A. However, Plaintiff did not attach an Exhibit A or a declaration to the opposition brief. The Court cannot determine what responses Plaintiff served and when.

Plaintiff also argues Defendants’ counsel did not meet and confer or participate in an IDC before filing the instant motions. However, Defendants were not required to meet and confer or participate in an IDC before filing a motion to compel responses. IDCs are required for motions to compel further responses to discovery.

The motions to compel are GRANTED. Plaintiff shall serve verified responses, without objections, to Requests for Production of Documents (Set One) and Form Interrogatories (Set One), and serve a Statement of Damages within 20 days of the date of this order.

Defendants’ requests for sanctions are GRANTED in amount of $960 against Plaintiff and Plaintiff’s counsel, jointly and severally, to be paid within 20 days of the date of this order.

Moving party to give notice.

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