Category Archives: Orange County Tentative Rulings

Asset Acceptance vs Hamwi

Lawzilla Additional Information:
Per the Orange County court records we believe plaintiff is represented by the law firm Gordon and Wong Law Group, and that who is being sanctioned in this order.



1. Motion to Compel Answers to Form Interrogatories

2. Motion to Compel Answers to Special Interrogatories

3. Motion to Compel Production

4. Motion to Deem Facts Admitted

The court is inclined to grant defendant’s unopposed motion to compel responses to form interrogatories, special interrogatories, and request for production and to deem the requests for admission admitted. Plaintiff must serve verified responses to the interrogatories and request for production, without objection, within 20 days. The court further awards sanctions of $410 against plaintiff and plaintiff’s counsel. The underlying discovery was properly served and no response to the motion has been filed. Defendant is thus entitled to an order compelling plaintiff to respond to the interrogatories and request for production and to have the RFA’s deemed admitted.