Category Archives: Wisconsin Court Records – Milwaukee

Jalen Lewis Case 2019CF000623 Wisconsin vs. Jalen D Lewis

Milwaukee County Case Number 2019CF000623 State of Wisconsin vs. Jalen D Lewis

The defendant Jalen D Lewis was found guilty of the following charge(s) in this case.

Vehicle Operator Flee/Elude Officer, a class I felony, Wisconsin Statutes 346.04(3).

Milwaukee County Case Number 2019CF000623 State of Wisconsin vs. Jalen D Lewis
Case summary

Filing date

Case type

Case status
Closed – Electronic filing

Defendant date of birth

4161 North 104th Street, Apt 5, Milwaukee, WI 53222

Branch ID

DA case number

Case(s) cross-referenced with this case

Printable version

Responsible official
Colon-18, Pedro

Prosecuting agency
District Attorney

Prosecuting agency attorney
Ballenger, Jesica

Defendant owes the court: $176.00

Count no. Statute Description Severity Disposition
1 346.04(3) Vehicle Operator Flee/Elude Officer Felony I Guilty Due to Guilty Plea

The Defendant was charged with the following offense:


Statute cite

Vehicle Operator Flee/Elude Officer

Felony I

Offense date

Guilty on 07-11-2019

On 07-11-2019 there was a finding of:

Guilty Due to Guilty Plea

Court official
Colon-18, Pedro


On 07-24-2019 the following was ordered:

State Prison – Imposed and Stayed

1 Years

Begin date

Consecutive to: 19CF2302

Extended Supervision – Imposed and Stayed

1 Years

Begin date


DOT License Suspended

6 Months

Begin date


Probation, Sent Imposed

4 Years

Begin date


Condition Time Notes
House of Correction 6 Months Concurrent with case 19CF2302; with release privileges for employment, medical, school, and the Day Reporting Center purposes. GOOD TIME CREDIT GRANTED.
Costs Provide a DNA sample; pay DNA surcharge. Pay the balance of all court costs, fees and surcharges to be paid over a period of probation. If revoked, Court ordered that all court costs, fees and surcharges be paid through collection by the Dept. of Corrections from a percentage of prison funds and/or prison wages under Sec. 973.05(4)(b) and as a condition of extended supervision. DOC shall collect those sums. Any amount remaining due and owing is subject to civil judgment and/or tax intercept or other means.
Employment / School – Maintain full-time and/or part-time employment.
Firearms/Weapons Restriction Defendant is advised he is a convicted felon and may not possess any firearms. Defendant is advised he is unable to vote in any election until civil rights are restored.
Prohibitions – Commit no new law violations arising to the level of probable cause.
Other – Comply with the standard rules of probation/extended supervision. – Cooperate and participate with any programming deemed appropriate by the Probation/Parole Department and follow any recommended treatment.
Charge history

This history reflects charges that were issued by the District Attorney earlier in the case. Current charges can be seen above. Changes to charges can be made for many reasons, often based on the District Attorney’s ongoing assessment of the case. The case file may contain more information. Unless a Judgment of Conviction is entered, the defendant is presumed innocent of all charges.
Count Statute Description Replaced by
1 346.04(3) Attempting to Flee or Elude an Officer Information Filed

Defendant name
Lewis, Jalen D

Date of birth


African American

Address (last updated 02-12-2019)
4161 North 104th Street, Apt 5, Milwaukee, WI 53222


Fingerprint ID

Attorney name Entered Withdrawn
Mccandless, Victoria 02-13-2019 06-05-2019
Guimont, Vincent Paul 06-05-2019

Citation AD6654970

Defendant name
Lewis, Jalen D

Date of birth


Address (last updated 02-12-2019)
4161 North 104th Street, Apt 5, Milwaukee, WI 53222

Bond amount

Deposit type

Appearance date and time
02-09-2019 01:00 pm


Plate number




Issuing agency
Milwaukee Police Department

Officer name

Violation date

MPH over

Plaintff agency
State of Wisconsin

Ordinance or statute


Charge description
Vehicle Operator Flee/Elude Officer

Felony I

Court record
Date Event Court official Court reporter Amount
07-25-2019 Assessment Report
07-25-2019 Judgment of conviction Barrett, John
07-25-2019 Conviction status report

Additional text:
Associated with Charge #1

07-24-2019 Dispositional order/judgment Colon-18, Pedro
07-24-2019 Sentencing hearing Colon-18, Pedro Beckford, Miriam

Additional text:
Defendant Jalen D Lewis in court with attorney Vincent Paul Guimont. Defendant Jalen D Lewis in custody. Jesica Ballenger appeared for the State of Wisconsin. Sentencing proceeded. Statements made by the State, Defense, and defendant. Additional statements made by defendant’s father, Gregory L., and defendant’s brother, Gregory L. III. AS TO COUNT 1: The court sentenced the defendant to a MAXIMUM term in the Wisconsin State Prison of 2 YEARS, consecutive to case# 19CF2302. The term of INITIAL CONFINEMENT is 1 YEAR, the term of EXTENDED SUPERVISION is 1 YEAR. Credit given for 66 days time served. Court finds defendant is eligible for the Challenge Incarceration Program. Court finds defendant is NOT eligible for the Wisconsin Substance Abuse Program. **Court STAYED sentence and placed defendant on PROBATION for 4 YEARS under the supervision of Wisconsin Department of Corrections, concurrent to case# 19CF2302. CONDITIONS OF PROBATION/EXTENDED SUPERVISION (AS TO COUNT 1): * SERVE 6 MONTHS “condition time” at the House of Correction with release privileges for employment, medical, school, and the Day Reporting Center purposes. GOOD TIME CREDIT GRANTED. (Condition time is concurrent to the condition time in case# 19CF2302. * Comply with the standard rules of probation/extended supervision. * Commit no new law violations arising to the level of probable cause. * Maintain full-time and/or part-time employment. * Cooperate and participate with any programming deemed appropriate by the Probation/Parole Department and follow any recommended treatment. * PAY the balance of all court costs, fees, and surcharges – to be paid over a period of probation. If revoked, the Court ordered that all court costs, fees, and surcharges be paid through collection by the Department of Corrections from a percentage of prison funds and/or prison wages under Sec. 973.05(4)(b) and as a condition of extended supervision. DOC shall collect those sums. Any amount remaining due and owing is subject to civil judgment and/or tax intercept or other means. * Provide a DNA sample and PAY DNA surcharge – to be paid over a period of probation. If revoked, the Court ordered that the DNA surcharge be paid through collection by the Department of Corrections from a percentage of prison funds and/or prison wages under Sec. 973.05(4)(b) and as a condition of extended supervision. DOC shall collect those sums. Any amount remaining due and owing is subject to civil judgment and/or tax intercept or other means. OTHER COURT ORDERS: * AS TO CASE# 19CF623: Court will grant a petition for expungement if defendant successfully completes probation without any violations. * AS TO CASE# 19CF623: Court ordered defendant’s driver operating privileges SUSPENDED for a period of 6 months. * AS TO CASE# 19CF2302: Court ordered defendant’s driver operating privileges SUSPENDED for a period of 1 year. Felony firearm and body armor warnings given. Voting rights warnings given. Appeal rights given.

07-11-2019 Plea hearing Colon-18, Pedro Beckford, Miriam

Additional text:
Defendant Jalen D Lewis in court with attorney Vincent Paul Guimont. Defendant Jalen D Lewis in custody. Jesica Ballenger appeared for the State of Wisconsin. AS TO COUNT 1: Defendant changes plea to GUILTY. Defendant examined as to his plea, advised of his Constitutional rights and the maximum penalty. Court found that defendant freely, voluntarily and intelligently waived his rights. Plea questionnaire/Waiver of Rights form, Addendum, and jury instructions received and filed. Parties stipulate to the complaint as a factual basis to sustain defendant’s plea. Court found defendant guilty as charged in the information and ordered a Judgment of Conviction be entered on the record. Defendant is advised he is a convicted felon and may not possess any firearms. Defendant is advised he is unable to vote in any election until civil rights are restored. Defendant further advised that if he is not a US citizen deportation is possible. Sentencing hearing scheduled for July 24, 2019 at 01:30 pm. Court ordered defendant REMANDED into the custody of the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Department.

06-06-2019 Notes

Additional text:
Atty. Vincent Guimont is the new attorney of record for the defendant. Atty. Guimont is unavailable on 06-14-2019. Parties stipulate to reschedule this matter to 07-11-2019 at 8:30 AM – Br. 18, Judge Colon’s Court for Adjourned Plea and Sentencing.

06-05-2019 Public defender order appointing counsel

Additional text:
received and filed.

03-27-2019 Scheduling conference Colon-18, Pedro Off the Record

Additional text:
Defendant Jalen D Lewis in court with attorney Victoria Mccandless. Ian F Vance-Curzan appeared for the State of Wisconsin. JUDGE COLON APPROVED TODAY’S COURT HEARING TO BE HELD OFF THE RECORD. Parties request a Plea and Sentencing date. Plea/sentencing hearing scheduled for June 14, 2019 at 08:30 am.

02-28-2019 Information
02-28-2019 Waiver of preliminary hearing Moore, J.C. Pierce (Defort), Kelly

Additional text:
Defendant Jalen D Lewis in court with Attorney Victoria Mccandless. Morgan McCreary on behalf of Jesica Ballenger appeared for the State of Wisconsin. Defendant waived Preliminary Hearing. Preliminary Hearing Questionnaire and Waiver received and filed. Court found probable cause and bound defendant over for trial. Defendant is advised this case is assigned to Judge Colon, Branch 18. Original Information filed. Copy given to defense counsel who waived reading. Defendant pled not guilty. Court ordered case adjourned for Scheduling Conference in Branch 18. Scheduling conference scheduled for March 27, 2019 at 08:30 am.

02-13-2019 Public defender order appointing counsel Colon-18, Pedro

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02-12-2019 Change of address notification for Lewis, Jalen D

Additional text:
ADDRESS INFO for Jalen D Lewis Current: 4161 North 104th Street, Apt 5, Milwaukee, WI 53222 United States (Effective: 02-12-2019) Prior: 4161 North 104th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53222 United States

02-12-2019 Signature bond set for Lewis, Jalen D Cornwall, Cedric S Digital Recording $1,500.00

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Court ordered Justice Point Pretrial Services LEVEL 1 SUPERVISION. Court reminders. No driving without a valid license. Defendant advised it is a requirement to attend all future court proceedings. Failure to comply with conditions of bail may result in an additional charge of bail jumping.

02-12-2019 Initial appearance Cornwall, Cedric S Digital Recording

Additional text:
Defendant Jalen D Lewis in court with attorney Stephen Andrew Sargent. Defendant Jalen D Lewis in custody. Carole Manchester appeared for the State of Wisconsin. Defendant is advised this case is assigned to Judge Colon, Branch 18. Defendant given a copy of the complaint and advised of maximum penalties, right to counsel and right to a preliminary hearing. Court reviewed the complaint and found probable cause to hold defendant for further proceedings. DEFENDANT QUALIFIES FOR PUBLIC DEFENDER REPRESENTATION. Preliminary Hearing scheduled on February 28, 2019, at 1:30 p.m.

02-12-2019 File Retained Electronically
02-12-2019 Citation filed
02-12-2019 Electronic Filing Notice
02-12-2019 Case initiated by electronic filing
02-12-2019 Complaint filed

Additional text:
Defendant in Custody, Court appearance today in Intake Court, Room 137A.

Total receivables

Court assessments Adjustments Paid to the court Probation/other agency amount Balance due to court Due date
$518.00 $0.00 $0.00 $342.00 $176.00 07-24-2023
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