Category Archives: Wisconsin Court Records – Waukesha

Manuel Rosado Waukesha County Case Number 2019CT000039 Manuel M Rosado

Waukesha County Case Number 2019CT000039 State of Wisconsin vs. Manuel M Rosado

The defendant Manuel M Rosado was found guilty of the following charge(s) in this case. One or more other charges in this case were dismissed. The dismissed charges were not proven and have no legal effect. Manuel M Rosado is presumed innocent of the dismissed charges.

Manuel M Rosado was found guilty of OWI (2nd), an unclassified misdemeanor, Wisconsin Statutes 346.63(1)(a).

Waukesha County Case Number 2019CT000039 State of Wisconsin vs. Manuel M Rosado
Case summary

Filing date

Case type
Criminal Traffic

Case status
Closed – Electronic filing

Defendant date of birth

515 W Moreland Blvd, c/o Waukesha County Jail, Waukesha, WI 53188

Branch ID

DA case number

Case(s) cross-referenced with this case
2019TR000105, 2019CM001687, 2019CM000078

Printable version

Responsible official
Dorow, Jennifer R

Prosecuting agency
District Attorney

Prosecuting agency attorney
Pitzo, Jack A.

Defendant owes the court: $1,441.00

Count no. Statute Description Severity Disposition
1 346.63(1)(a) OWI (2nd) Misd. U Guilty Due to No Contest Plea
3 346.63(1)(am) Operate with Restricted Controlled Substance (2nd) Misd. U Dismissed on Prosecutor’s Motion

The Defendant was charged with the following offense:


Statute cite

OWI (2nd)

Misd. U

Offense date

No Contest on 10-21-2019

On 10-21-2019 there was a finding of:

Guilty Due to No Contest Plea

Court official
Foster, Kathryn W.


On 10-21-2019 the following was ordered:



Begin date

Costs to be paid along with fine. Reimbursement for Blood Draw costs to be paid/forwarded to Waukesha Co Clerk of Courts for City of Waukesha Police Department. Transcript fee to be paid through Waukesha County Circuit Court to be forwarded to District Attorney or to be converted to a civil judgment for non-payment of fee. Defendant to provide DNA sample, if not yet provided, immediately if in custody otherwise within (3) business days at the Waukesha County Sheriff Department.

Alcohol assessment


Begin date

Perform alcohol assessment

Local Jail

180 Days

Begin date

Court grants 180 days credit. TIME SERVED.

DOT License Revoked

12 Months

Begin date


Forfeiture / Fine


Begin date

Fine to be paid $25 per month commencing 12/01/2019 or penalty of civil judgment entered for non-payment.

Ignition interlock

12 Months

Begin date

Ignition Interlock to be installed on every vehicle OPERATED, TITLED OR REGISTERED to the defendant.


Statute cite

Operate with Restricted Controlled Substance (2nd)

Misd. U

Offense date


On 10-21-2019 there was a finding of:

Dismissed on Prosecutor’s Motion

Court official
Foster, Kathryn W.


Charge history

This history reflects charges that were issued by the District Attorney earlier in the case. Current charges can be seen above. Changes to charges can be made for many reasons, often based on the District Attorney’s ongoing assessment of the case. The case file may contain more information. Unless a Judgment of Conviction is entered, the defendant is presumed innocent of all charges.
Count Statute Description Replaced by
1 346.63(1)(a) OWI (2nd) Amended Complaint Filed

Defendant name
Rosado, Manuel M

Date of birth



Address (last updated 06-27-2019)
515 W Moreland Blvd, c/o Waukesha County Jail, Waukesha, WI 53188


Fingerprint ID

Attorney name Entered
Barnes, Priya 02-01-2019

Citation BB9308176

Defendant name
Rosado, Manuel M

Date of birth


Address (last updated 06-27-2019)
515 W Moreland Blvd, c/o Waukesha County Jail, Waukesha, WI 53188

Bond amount

Deposit type

Appearance date and time
01-08-2019 01:30 pm


Plate number




Issuing agency
Waukesha Police Dept

Officer name

Violation date

MPH over

Plaintff agency
State of Wisconsin

Ordinance or statute


Charge description
OWI (2nd)

Misd. U

Citation AE6941325

Defendant name
Rosado, Manuel M

Date of birth


Address (last updated 06-27-2019)
515 W Moreland Blvd, c/o Waukesha County Jail, Waukesha, WI 53188

Bond amount

Deposit type

Appearance date and time
06-10-2019 08:30 am


Plate number




Issuing agency
Waukesha Police Dept

Officer name

Violation date

MPH over

Plaintff agency
State of Wisconsin

Ordinance or statute


Charge description
Operate with Restricted Controlled Substance (2nd)

Misd. U

Court record
Date Event Court official Court reporter Amount
10-22-2019 Judgment of conviction Dorow, Jennifer R
10-21-2019 Dispositional order/judgment Foster, Kathryn W.
10-21-2019 Order for intox driver assessment and safety plan Dorow, Jennifer R
10-21-2019 Appeal rights/info on postconviction relief Foster, Kathryn W. Szeklinski, Nancy
10-21-2019 Plea questionnaire, waiver of rights Foster, Kathryn W. Szeklinski, Nancy

Additional text:
with Elements of criminal offenses to which plea is being entered.

10-21-2019 Plea/sentencing hearing Foster, Kathryn W. Szeklinski, Nancy

Additional text:
03:36 PM Defendant Manuel M Rosado in court, in custody, with attorney Priya Barnes. Jack Pitzo appeared for the State of Wisconsin. Defendant enters a plea of no contest to Count 1, Court finds defendant guilty. Count 3 is dismissed by operation of law. Count 2 does not apply to the defendant. The defendant was sentenced to the following: JAIL: 180 days (Credit – 180 days). TIME SERVED. *Provide DNA sample within 3 business days; FINE: $1229 – includes IID surcharge; DNA SURCHARGE: $200; Defendant to provide DNA sample, if not yet provided, immediately if in custody otherwise within (3) business days at the Waukesha County Sheriff Department. BLOOD DRAW FEE: $35 paid through Waukesha County Circuit Court to be forward to City of Waukesha Police Department or to be converted to a civil judgment for non payment of fee. TRANSCRIPT FEE: $12 paid through Waukesha County Circuit Court to be forward to District Attorney or to be converted to a civil judgment for non payment of fee. Pay all fines/forfeitures/surcharges and fees: $25/month commencing 12/1/19 and each month thereafter or civil judgment entered as penalty for failure to pay. D/L REVOCATION: 12 months; IGNITION INTERLOCK: 12 months; Other: AODA ASSESSMENT AND FOLLOW THROUGH.

10-21-2019 Letters/correspondence

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Dated October 21, 2019, from Attorney Barnes requesting a jury trial be canceled and matter set for plea and sentencing.

10-18-2019 Motion in limine Dorow, Jennifer R

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Defendant’s Motions in Limine **Reviewed by Judge Dorow on 10/21/19–The court will address on 10/22 prior to empaneling a jury.**

10-17-2019 Proposed jury instructions Dorow, Jennifer R

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Proposed jury instructions–State

10-17-2019 Motion in limine Dorow, Jennifer R
10-17-2019 Jury status hearing Dorow, Jennifer R Szeklinski, Nancy

Additional text:
09:45 AM Defendant Manuel M Rosado in court, in custody, with attorney Priya Barnes. Jack Pitzo appeared for the State of Wisconsin. The court addresses the motion to suppress. For reasons as stated on the record, the court denies the motion. Attorney Barnes is prepared to move forward with trial. Proposed Jury instructions and motions in limine are to be filed by 2:00 p.m. on Friday October 18.

09-06-2019 Response/reply Dorow, Jennifer R

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Attorney Barnes reply to the State’s response to the Defendant’s Motion for a Suppression Hearing

09-05-2019 Response/reply Dorow, Jennifer R

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State’s Response to Defense Motion

09-03-2019 Motion to suppress

Additional text:
Defendant’s Motion to Suppress and Request for Hearing Date **Reviewed by Judge Dorow on 08/30/2019–Before the court will set a hearing in this matter the Defense is ordered to file a brief that provides the legal authority upon which the Court is required to “order the state to prove that all substantive terms of the serve warrant were observed”. Such brief is due no later than September 13 with the State’s response brief due no later than September 20.**

06-28-2019 Notice of hearing

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Jury trial – 12 person on October 22, 2019 at 08:30 am.

06-28-2019 Notice of hearing

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Jury status hearing on October 17, 2019 at 09:30 am.

06-27-2019 Jury status hearing Dorow, Jennifer R Szeklinski, Nancy

Additional text:
10:26 AM Defendant Manuel M Rosado in court, in custody, with attorney Priya Barnes. Jack A. Pitzo appeared for the State of Wisconsin. Case called for jury status. State previously filed an adjournment in this case. Attorney Barnes indicates her client provided her with some information in which she will need to do some further investigation. The court reschedules the trial date. Attorney Barnes can call the court to get in for an earlier plea and sentencing date if matter will resolve short of tria. Jury status hearing scheduled for October 17, 2019 at 09:30 am. Jury trial – 12 person scheduled for October 22, 2019 at 08:30 am.

06-27-2019 Change of address notification for Rosado, Manuel M

Additional text:
ADDRESS INFO for Manuel M Rosado Current: 515 W Moreland Blvd, c/o Waukesha County Jail, Waukesha, WI 53188 United States (Effective: 06-27-2019) Prior: 515 W Moreland Blvd, Waukesha County Jail, Waukesha, WI 53188 United States

06-21-2019 Letters/correspondence Dorow, Jennifer R

Additional text:
Letter requesting adjournment of July 9, 2019 Jury Trial filed by State. **Reviewed by Judge Dorow on 06/24/2019–To be addressed at 6/27 jury status hearing.** LF 6/24–emailed parties with the Court’s response.**

06-18-2019 Amended complaint
06-03-2019 Witness list – plaintiff Dorow, Jennifer R

Additional text:
State’s Witness List.

05-24-2019 Notice of hearing returned Dorow, Jennifer R

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addressed to: Manuel M Rosado for hearing on 05/20/2019 Return to Sender, No Such Number, Unable to Forward.

05-23-2019 Notice of hearing

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Jury trial – 12 person on July 9, 2019 at 08:00 am.

05-23-2019 Notice of hearing

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Jury status hearing on June 27, 2019 at 10:30 am.

05-20-2019 Demand for speedy trial Dorow, Jennifer R

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Defendant’s Demand for Speedy Trial **Reviewed by Judge Dorow on 05/22/2019–Set for trial within 60 days.**

05-20-2019 Bail/bond hearing Foster, Kathryn W. Seymour, Meredith A

Additional text:
02:29 PM Defendant Manuel M Rosado in court, in custody, with attorney Priya Barnes. Andrea M Will appeared for the State of Wisconsin. Attorney Barnes is requesting a modification of cash bail. State objects to a modification of bail. Defendant makes statements to the Court. Attorney Will indicates they are still waiting for the blood test results. The Court denied the Motion to Modify Bail. Bail remains as fixed. Date remains as previously scheduled for 6/10/19.

05-20-2019 Change of address notification for Rosado, Manuel M

Additional text:
ADDRESS INFO for Manuel M Rosado Current: 515 W Moreland Blvd, Waukesha County Jail, Waukesha, WI 53188 United States (Effective: 05-20-2019) Prior: 923 Estberg Ave., Waukesha, WI 53186 United States

05-15-2019 Notice of hearing

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Bail/bond hearing on May 20, 2019 at 02:30 pm.

05-13-2019 Motion for modification of bond Dorow, Jennifer R

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Motion to Modify Bail **Reviewed by Judge Dorow on 05/13/2019–Set for hearing week of 5/20.**

05-06-2019 Notice of hearing

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Hearing on June 10, 2019 at 08:30 am.

05-06-2019 Hearing Foster, Kathryn W. Szeklinski, Nancy

Additional text:
10:59 AM Defendant Manuel M Rosado in court, in custody, with attorney Priya Barnes. District Attorney’s Office Law Intern appeared for the State of Wisconsin. Parties are still waiting for blood test results. Hearing scheduled for June 10, 2019 at 08:30 am.

04-01-2019 Notice of hearing

Additional text:
Hearing on May 6, 2019 at 10:30 am.

04-01-2019 Cash bond set for Rosado, Manuel M Foster, Kathryn W. Szeklinski, Nancy $500.00

Additional text:
No contact with Jean Erickson; Absolute sobriety, defendant is not to use or possess any alcohol, drugs or controlled substances without a valid prescription. Defendant is not to operate a motor vehicle unless properly licensed. Defendant is to report and comply with Wisconsin Community Services (WCS) Intoxicated Driver Program, including sobriety testing in accordance with WCS program protocols. Defendant to report or contact WCS by phone the first business day after their release from custody. Defendant not to possess any drug paraphernalia.

04-01-2019 Hearing Foster, Kathryn W. Szeklinski, Nancy

Additional text:
03:21 PM Defendant Manuel M Rosado in court with attorney Priya Barnes. Melissa J. Zilavy appeared for the State of Wisconsin. State is still waiting for blood test results. Attorney Barnes is providing reasons as to why he is non compliant with WCS. State requests an increase in cash bail. Court imposes cash bail of $500. Hearing scheduled for May 6, 2019 at 10:30 am.

03-29-2019 Report Dorow, Jennifer R

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Wisconsin Community Service non-compliance letter dated 03/29/2019 received and filed.

03-22-2019 Report Dorow, Jennifer R

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Wisconsin Community Service non-compliance letter dated 03/22/2019 received and filed.

03-12-2019 Report Dorow, Jennifer R

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Wisconsin Community Service non-compliance letter dated 3/12/2019 received and filed.

03-07-2019 Report Dorow, Jennifer R

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Wisconsin Community Service non-compliance letter dated 03/07/2019 received and filed. **Reviewed by Judge Dorow on 03/07/19: Set for a bail review hearing after 3/11; Mr. Rosado to bring verification of enrollment in IOP to the hearing**

02-27-2019 Report Dorow, Jennifer R

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Wisconsin Community Service non-compliance letter dated 02/27/2019 received and filed.

02-25-2019 Amended signature bond signed $750.00
02-25-2019 Notice of hearing

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Hearing on April 1, 2019 at 03:00 pm.

02-25-2019 Signature bond conditions modified for Rosado, Manuel M Dorow, Jennifer R Szeklinski, Nancy $750.00

Additional text:
CONDITIONS MODIFIED ON 2/25/19 to include: no contact with Jean Erickson; Absolute sobriety, defendant is not to use or possess any alcohol, drugs or controlled substances without a valid prescription. Defendant is not to operate a motor vehicle unless properly licensed. Defendant is to report and comply with Wisconsin Community Services (WCS) Intoxicated Driver Program, including sobriety testing in accordance with WCS program protocols. Defendant to report or contact WCS by phone the first business day after their release from custody. Defendant not to possess any drug paraphernalia.

02-25-2019 Signature bond reinstated Dorow, Jennifer R Szeklinski, Nancy $750.00
02-25-2019 Hearing Dorow, Jennifer R Szeklinski, Nancy

Additional text:
02:59 PM Defendant Manuel M Rosado in court with attorney Priya Barnes. David John Behm appeared for the State of Wisconsin. The court addresses the defendant regarding his non compliance with WCS. Court passes this matter and recalls case at 3:31. Attorney Barnes is requesting the bail be modified to include a no contact order with his former girlfriend. Hearing scheduled for April 1, 2019 at 03:00 pm.

02-20-2019 Notice of hearing

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Hearing on February 25, 2019 at 02:30 pm.

02-19-2019 Report Dorow, Jennifer R

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Wisconsin Community Service non-compliance letter dated 02/18/2019 received and filed. **Reviewed by Judge Dorow on 02/19/2019–Set for bail review hearing the week of February 25th.**

02-18-2019 Notice of hearing

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Hearing on March 11, 2019 at 03:00 pm.

02-18-2019 Bail/bond hearing Foster, Kathryn W. Szeklinski, Nancy

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02:09 PM Defendant Manuel M Rosado in court with attorney Priya Barnes. Michael Thurston appeared for the State of Wisconsin. Court addresses the non-compliance with WCS with the defendant. Court orders the defendant to provide proof of treatment. Defendant must enroll in AODA treatment. Hearing scheduled for March 11, 2019 at 03:00 pm.

02-15-2019 Report

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Wisconsin Community Service compliance letter received and filed.

02-08-2019 Report Maxwell, Michael P.

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Wisconsin Community Service non-compliance letter dated 2/8/19 received and filed. **Reviewed by Judge Dorow on 02/09/2019–Schedule for hearing within one week.**

02-08-2019 Letters/correspondence

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Defendant filed a letter indicating he was at Pro Health Care – Family Medicine on 2/04/2019, reason for missing his court date on 2/04/2019

02-07-2019 Report

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Wisconsin Community Service compliance letter received and filed. **Reviewed by Judge Dorow on February 7, 2019 – no action needed.**

02-06-2019 Demand for Discovery and Inspection – Defendant Dorow, Jennifer R

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Defendant’s Demand for Discovery and Inspection.

02-06-2019 Change of address notification for Rosado, Manuel M

Additional text:
ADDRESS INFO for Manuel M Rosado Current: 923 Estberg Ave., Waukesha, WI 53186 United States (Effective: 02-06-2019) Prior: 923 Perkins Ave, Waukesha, WI 53186

02-06-2019 Letters/correspondence Dorow, Jennifer R

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Letter with updated address for defendant filed by Defense.

02-04-2019 Notice of hearing

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Bail/bond hearing on March 4, 2019 at 01:30 pm.

02-04-2019 Notice of bail/bond forfeiture
02-04-2019 Signature bond ordered forfeited Dorow, Jennifer R Szeklinski, Nancy $750.00
02-04-2019 Non appearance Dorow, Jennifer R Szeklinski, Nancy

Additional text:
01:38 PM Attorney Priya Barnes in court. Defendant Manuel M Rosado did not appear. David John Behm appeared for the State of Wisconsin. Attorney Barnes makes statements as to the non appearance and WCS non compliance. Attorney Barnes is requesting the matter be set over to Wednesday to review and for her client to appear. Attorney Behm makes statements to the Court and requests a capias and for bail to be revoked and forfeited. Attorney Barnes is requesting a stayed capias. Court ordered a capias stayed until Friday. If defendant does not comply with WCS, court will issue the capias. Court orders the bail revoked and forfeited. Bail/bond hearing scheduled for March 4, 2019 at 01:30 pm. Check Case scheduled for February 8, 2019.

02-04-2019 Letters/correspondence Dorow, Jennifer R

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Letter regarding appearance set for February 4, 2019 filed by Defense.

02-01-2019 Public defender order appointing counsel
02-01-2019 Judicial transfer Dorow, Jennifer R
01-25-2019 Public defender order appointing counsel Ramirez, Ralph M.
01-22-2019 Notice of hearing

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Bail/bond hearing on February 4, 2019 at 10:00 am.

01-21-2019 Letters/correspondence

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dated 1/21/19 from the State regarding WCS-non compliance and requesting a capias or bail review hearing. **Reviewed by Judge Ramirez on 1/21/19 – Set bail hearing.**

01-17-2019 Report Ramirez, Ralph M.

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Wisconsin Community Service non-compliance letter dated 01/17/2019 received and filed.

01-16-2019 Signature bond signed $750.00
01-15-2019 Notice of hearing

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Hearing on February 18, 2019 at 02:00 pm.

01-15-2019 Return on warrant Costello, Kevin
01-15-2019 Notice of hearing

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Hearing on February 18, 2019 at 02:00 pm.

01-15-2019 Signature bond set for Rosado, Manuel M Costello, Kevin $750.00

Additional text:
Absolute sobriety, defendant is not to use or possess any alcohol, drugs or controlled substances without a valid prescription. Defendant is not to operate a motor vehicle unless properly licensed. Defendant is to report and comply with Wisconsin Community Services (WCS) Intoxicated Driver Program, including sobriety testing in accordance with WCS program protocols. Defendant to report or contact WCS by phone the first business day after their release from custody. Defendant not to possess any drug paraphernalia.

01-15-2019 Warrant/Capias/Commitment canceled for Rosado, Manuel M Costello, Kevin
01-15-2019 Initial appearance Costello, Kevin

Additional text:
02:46 PM Defendant Manuel M Rosado in court, in custody. District Attorney’s Office Law Intern appeared for the State of Wisconsin. Attorney Anna Kees appears as friend of the court. Defendant is eligible for State Public Defender representation. An attorney will be appointed. Defense acknowledges receipt of complaint and waives reading of complaint. NOT GUILTY PLEA ENTERED BY COURT. Atty. Kees requests refusal to be scheduled for same date and time. Hearing scheduled for February 18, 2019 at 02:00 pm.

01-15-2019 Report

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Waukesha County Pretrial Screening Services Report by Wisconsin Community Services filed.

01-08-2019 Arrest warrant issued for Rosado, Manuel M Costello, Kevin $750.00
01-08-2019 Arrest warrant authorized for Rosado, Manuel M Costello, Kevin Recorded Hearing $750.00
01-08-2019 Failed to Appear – Initial Appearance Costello, Kevin Recorded Hearing

Additional text:
03:16 PM Defendant Manuel M Rosado not in court. District Attorney’s Office Law Intern appeared for the State of Wisconsin.

01-08-2019 Demand for Discovery and Inspection – Prosecutor
01-08-2019 Electronic Filing Notice
01-08-2019 Case initiated by electronic filing
01-08-2019 Complaint filed Ramirez, Ralph M.
Total receivables

Payment plan Balance due Payment due Due date
Payment plan $1,441.00 $25.00
Payment plan $1,441.00 $25.00 2019-12-01
Payment plan $1,441.00 $25.00 2019-12-01
Payment plan $1,441.00 $25.00 2019-12-01
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