Farah Naz Nasir vs. Macys Corporate Services, Inc.


Farah Naz Nasir vs. Macys Corporate Services, Inc.

Nature of Proceeding: Motion to Compel 1. Form 2. Special 3. Admissions 4. Production

Filed By: Roth, David V.

The motion is DROPPED. Moving party failed to serve the moving papers 16 court days, plus additional five days for mailing, prior to the date of hearing. (CCP ยง 1005

(b).) Service by mail on October 10, 2018 provides only 16 courts days notice with no additional days for mail service.

Defective service deprives the court of jurisdiction to act. (Lee v. Placer Title Co. (1994) 28 Cal.App.4th 503, 509.)

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