Kerri Sanchez – Barry Sanchez

Kerri Sanchez and Barry Sanchez
Case No: 17FL01348
Hearing Date: Tue Sep 17, 2019 10:30

Nature of Proceedings: Req. for Order: Child Support/Spousal Support/Clarifications to MSA

Respondent’s [“father”] Req. for Order: Child Support, Spousal support, Clarification of MSA

Attorneys: Petitioner [“mother”] in pro per; Daniel A. Murphy for father

Ruling: Off calendar and set for 11/5


This case was last on calendar on 9/10 re father’s request for appointment of a Vocational Examination of mother which the Court granted. The Court understands that father seeks a modification of the current MSA and set that hearing for 9/17.


Mother told the Court that father has filed a pending support motion that asks the Court for clarifications in their MSA which include a request to increase her parenting time with the children by eliminating a couple of his overnight visits during the year; she has requested mediation with the Family Courts to discuss his decrease in timeshare request along with other custody issues and will be attending on September 30th.

Court’s Conclusions

This case is NOT on the 9/17 calendar; it was taken off calendar on 9/10 and set for further hearing on 11/5.

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