Mayra Guerrero v. Prima Masonry Materials

Mayra Guerrero v. Prima Masonry Materials, et al.
Case No: 17CV3332
Hearing Date: Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:30

Nature of Proceedings: Motion Compel Answers; Motion Compel Responses

Two Motions to Compel


Matthew Morrison, Attorney for Plaintiff

George J. Hernandez, Attorney for Defendant

Ruling: Continued, sua sponte, to April 11, 2018, to follow the Plaintiff’s request to be relieved as counsel


Defendants filed two Motions to Compel on March 2, 2018, and set the hearing for April 3, 2018. There is no response in the file.

On March 13, 2018, counsel for Plaintiff filed a motion to be relieved as counsel; filed the required supporting declaration stating that counsel for plaintiff Mayra Guerrero has been unable to establish contact with Ms. Guerrero for several months. Attempts to contact Ms. Guerrero by phone, e-mail, U.S. Mail, and in person at her last known address have been unsuccessful. The Motion was set for April 10, 2018.

The declaration acknowledges there are significant “dates” set for the case:

April 3, 2018 – Response to Motions to Compel

July 31, 2018 – Case Management Conference.

August 31, 2018 – Mandatory Settlement Conference.

September l8, 2018 – Trial Call.

This Court concludes that it is necessary to decide the Motion to Withdraw as Counsel before deciding the issues related to the Motions to Compel.

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