Michael J. Gaffney v. Kenneth Pratt

Michael J. Gaffney v. Kenneth Pratt
Case No: 19CV05440
Hearing Date: Tue Oct 29, 2019 10:30

Nature of Proceedings: Req. for Order: Harassment Restraining Order

Req. for Order: Harassment Restraining Order

Attorneys: Plaintiff in pro per

Ruling: Pratt has filed no Response. Grant the request. There is a CHO filled out in the computer for the Court to sign that provides for a 20 yard stay-away. [Change it to a 10 yard stay-away order.]

This case was filed 10/10/19; Michael Gaffney [“Gaffney”] seeks to restrain Kenneth Pratt [“Pratt”]; temporary restraining orders were issued by the Commissioner; provides for personal conduct orders and 10-yard stay away order from Gaffney and his home; was based upon unlawful violence, a credible threat of violence, or stalking; there is proof of personal service filed on 10/22 that reflects the Sheriff’s Civil Bureau via Deputy Vasquez served Pratt on 10/18/19.

Gaffney declared that Pratt lives in his building on the same floor; that Pratt came into his room and assaulted him and made criminal threats on 10/5 and 10/9; also confronted him twice “on video.”

Pratt has filed no Response.

The Court’s Conclusion

Pratt has filed no Response. Grant the request. There is a CHO filled out in the computer for the Court to sign that provides for a 20 yard stay-away.

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