Case Number: 17K02665 Hearing Date: June 12, 2018 Dept: 94

Defendant The Hertz Company’s Motions to Compel Plaintiff’s Discovery Responses are GRANTED. Plaintiff is ordered to serve verified responses to the interrogatories and document demands, without objections, within 20 days. (CCP §§ 2030.290, 2031.300.) The Court finds Plaintiff’s failure to respond a misuse of the discovery process. (CCP § 2023.010(d).) Sanctions are appropriate under CCP §§ 2023.010 and 2023.030, and have been properly noticed. However, the amount sought is excessive given the simplicity of these unopposed motions. The request for sanctions is granted against Plaintiff and her attorney in the amount of $615.00, based on three hours of attorney time billed at $165.00 per hour, and two filing fees of $60.00 each, to be paid within 30 days. (See Motion, O’Yang Decl., ¶7.)

Moving party to give notice.

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