Universal Semiconductor, Inc vs Tuoi Vo

Lawzilla Additional Information:
Per the Santa Clara court records plaintiff is represented by attorney Peter Chernik who is being sanctioned by the court.


Universal Semiconductor, Inc v Vo

Defendants’ motion to compel further responses to requests for production and for monetary sanctions. No substantive opposition filed. Request for continuance is DENIED.

Motion is GRANTED. Verified further responses, without objections, and all requested documents, shall be served within 30 days.

Monetary sanctions of $1,200 are ordered against Plaintiff Universal Semiconductor, Inc. and its counsel, Peter Chernik, jointly and severally. Sanctions shall be paid to defendants’ counsel within 30 days.


Universal Semiconductor, Inc v Vo

Defendants’ motion to compel further responses to special interrogatories and for monetary sanctions. No substantive opposition filed. Request for continuance is DENIED.

Motion is GRANTED. Verified further responses, without objections, shall be served within 30 days.

Monetary sanctions of $1,200 are ordered against Plaintiff Universal Semiconductor, Inc. and its counsel, Peter Chernik, jointly and severally. Sanctions shall be paid to defendants’ counsel within 30 days.

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