Case Name: Yahoo! Inc. v. Media Relevance, Inc., et al.
Case No.: 1-14-CV-264874
This is a Motion for Complex Designation filed by Defendants Media Relevance, Inc. and Steven Clarke-Martin. In its moving papers, Defendants argue that the claims asserted by Plaintiff Yahoo, Inc. (“Yahoo”) and the Defendants’ affirmative defenses to those claims “require a close analysis of complex facts in light of federal patent regulations and Federal Circuit case law.” Defendants contend that the matter “has little chance of being adjudicated fairly absent competent treatment of the underlying federal patent issues” and the “solution” is to send this matter to the Complex Department. Plaintiff Yahoo, Inc. submitted a Response to Defendants’ Motion for Complex Designation indicating that they don’t object to the complex designation, but disagree that the case would not be adjudicated “fairly” or “competently” by a regular civil department.
California Rules of Court, Rule 3.400(b) sets forth the factors which the Court should consider when determining whether a case should be designated as “complex.” In its moving papers, Defendants imply that fair adjudication of the case requires knowledge and expertise in federal patent issues and that the Complex Department is the proper department to adjudicate these claims. The Court does not find this argument persuasive nor does it find that the moving party has met its burden is establishing that the case falls within the criteria of Rule 3.400(b). Simply put, there is no reason that this case cannot be fairly and competently adjudicated in a regular civil department. Accordingly, the Motion to Designate the case as Complex is DENIED.