

Attorney Leon Laufer, Esq.

Lawzilla References

Leon Laufer Criminal Conviction for Accepting False or Fraudulent Claims Against Insurance Companies

Twice Suspended by State Bar

Judge Sanctions $1376.14 in Case

Bomemo v Petrena, Los Angeles County Superior Court Case Number 16K15412.

From the Los Angeles court online case records it is Lawzilla's understanding the following occurred:

Attorney Leon Laufer is the attorney for the plaintiff in motor vehicle accident case.

During the lawsuit the defendant served discovery requests to produce documents and to answer written questions about Mr. Laufer's client's claims.

Although defense counsel extended numerous extensions of time to respond, no responses to the discovery were made.

Defendant then brought motions to compel and sought sanctions.

Despite motions being filed and sanctions sought, the judge indicated discovery responses had still not been provided.

Lawzilla's review of the online court file indicated Leon Laufer, Esq., did not file an opposition to the motions to compel or sanctions requests. This is also indicated by the judge.

In a tentative ruling the judge said the motions would be granted.

Plaintiff would be given 20 days to answer the discovery.

The judge also said sanctions of $1376.14 would be imposed against attorney Leon Laufer, as well as his clients.

When it came time for the court hearing on the motions attorney Laufer did not appear, but agreed to the tentative ruling via email.

The judge then adopted the tentative order as the final ruling of the court.

California State Bar Suspensions

Leon Laufer's state bar record reflects two prior suspension orders.

First, he was suspended for violating a rule of professional conduct and Business and Professional Code section 6106.

That law says "The commission of any act involving moral turpitude, dishonesty or corruption, whether the act is committed in the course of his relations as an attorney or otherwise, and whether the act is a felony or misdemeanor or not, constitutes a cause for disbarment or suspension."

Next, attorney Laufer was criminally convicted for accepted false or fraudulent claims against insurance companies.

The bar record refers to insurance companies being defrauded of $60,000.

An employee was paying to have cases referred to Laufer's law office, although Laufer said he did not authorize the payments or be aware of them.

This resulted in another suspension from the practice of law by the State Bar.

Lawzilla Opinion and Review

Would you hire Leon Laufer as an attorney?

Why? There are thousands of great attorneys in California without criminal convictions and suspensions. We suggest finding one.

Lawzilla found a California State Bar order, involving a different attorney, that being sanctioned can itself cause State Bar discipline for failing to competently perform legal services.

Leon Laufer Details

Leon Laufer was admitted to the California Bar in 1981. Bar Number 100995.

138 Brewster Road
West Hartford, Connecticut 06117-2144

Law School: Glendale

Note: It appears attorney Laufer is using an address in court pleadings different from what is on record with the California State Bar.

There could be more wrongdoing associated with this, but it is an issue Lawzilla has not reviewed or confirmed.

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