The Next Idea v Rumba Room Live, Los Angeles County Superior Court Case Number LC104308.
From the appellate ruling and Los Angeles Court case docket it is Lawzilla's understanding the following occurred:
Attorney Michael Joseph Gonzalez represented defendant and appellant Rumba Room Live.
Gonzalez' client Rumba Room hired The Next Idea for a project but canceled.
The company was sued and the trial judge found against attorney Michael Gonzalez' client in the amount of $13,904.
Michael Gonzalez, Esq., then filed an appeal for his client
But a unanimous court of appeals said because the order was not included in the appeal it was not in a position to reverse, and thus affirmed the ruling against Gonzalez' client.
The court of appeal stated:
Rumba fails to give us the record of the trial court’s decision. We have neither a reporter’s transcript nor a pertinent decision by the trial court. Rumba does give us a minute order, but this order makes no mention of the decision Rumba attacks. We cannot reverse something Rumba has never allowed us to perceive.
The court of appeals said Michael J. Gonzalez contended for his client Rumba that The Next Idea was suspended by the state and could not sue.
When we checked the California Secretary of State's records, this appears true. There is a Franchise Tax Board suspension in place.
We do not know if that meant plaintiff could not sue, but assuming what Gonzalez argued is correct, it appears from the court of appeal decision that:
- Michael J. Gonzalez' client somehow lost at the trial court, and
- If Gonzalez had simply provided the justices with the ruling being appealed he could have won the appeal and saved his client from a $13,904 judgment.
Assuming what Gonzalez argued is not true, then in our view that could call into question his legal abilities and might explain the trial court's ruling.
Either way, this is not good and something to consider before hiring Michael J. Gonzalez as counsel.
Michael Gonzalez was admitted to the California Bar in 1990. Bar Number 148985.
Law Office of Michael J. Gonzalez
2000 Riverside Drive
Los Angeles, California 90039
Law School: University of California Berkeley
Note: There are several attorneys named Michael Gonzalez. Check their full name and bar number to confirm who you are dealing with.