

Law Office Paul Cheng & Associates

Lawzilla References

Judge Sanctions Paul Cheng Firm $2660

- Numerous Sanctions Orders by Court for Repeatedly Not Timely Responding to Discovery

Li v Milk and Honey Picture Films, Los Angeles County Superior Court Case Number BC718200.

From the Los Angeles court online case records it is Lawzilla's understanding the following occurred (note: the case docket is one of the most confusing we have seen with multiple sanctions motions and orders for similarly named discovery):

Attorney Paul Cheng is the lead attorney and his law firm represent the plaintiff in an employment wage claim case.

During the lawsuit the defendant served Paul Cheng's office with written questions, called general interrogatories, for plaintiff to answer about her claims.

Responses were not provided so defendant filed a motion to compel and sought sanctions.

After the motion was filed Cheng's firm served responses.

The judge sanctioned Paul Cheng's law firm, and their client, $1160 for causing a motion to be filed before providing responses to the discovery.

Defendant also served written questions apparently designed specifically for employment law claims.

Again, responses were not timely provided and a motion to compel seeking sanctions was filed.

The judge sanctioned Paul Cheng's law firm, and their client, $500 for causing a motion to be filed before providing responses to the discovery.

Defendant also served specially prepared written questions for Cheng's client to answer.

The judge issued $500 in sanctions for not answering this discovery.

There was a question about a request for Paul Cheng's client to produce documents that also had not been responded to.

Defendant then filed another motion to compel.

Again, the judge imposed sanctions against Paul Cheng and Associates, this time for $500.

Lawzilla Opinion and Review

That is a lot of sanctions orders.

The court docket indicates there were additional motions defendant filed where sanctions were not requested.

Even worse is that it appears motions for sanctions were filed AFTER the court had already initially ordered sanctions for not timely answering discovery.

One could get the impression the attorneys or their client was not learning and kept engaging in the same sanctionable conduct.

Would you hire Paul Cheng or his law firm as an attorney?

This is just one case, but there are a lot of sanctions orders and misconduct that kept repeating.

Lawzilla found a California State Bar order, involving a different attorney, that being sanctioned can itself cause State Bar discipline for failing to competently perform legal services.

Paul Cheng Details

Paul Cheng was admitted to the California Bar in 2005. Bar Number 239566.

Law Offices of Paul P Cheng and Associates
790 East Colorado Boulevard, Suite 260
Pasadena, California 91101

Law School: Southwestern University

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