

Attorney Ruben Vardanyan, Esq.

Lawzilla References

Ruben Vardanyan Sanctioned $1215 by Judge

- "Abuse of the Discovery Process"

- Client Not Appear for Medical Examination

- Sanctions Motion Not Opposed

- No Appearance at Court Hearing

Lindgren v Yang Los Angeles County Superior Court Case Number BC687753.

From the Los Angeles court's freely available online case records it is Lawzilla's understanding the following occurred:

Attorney Ruben Vardanyan is listed as the attorney for the plaintiff in an automobile accident lawsuit.

The defendant requested that Vardanyan's client be examined by a cardiologist.

Plaintiff, however, failed to appear.

Defendant then moved to compel the examination, a motion which the judge said would properly be granted.

The judge said attorney Ruben Vardanyan did not file any opposition to the motion to compel or request for sanctions.

In a tentative ruling the judge said sanctions of $1215 were appropriate against attorney Vardanyan and his client for their abuse of the discovery process.

When it came time for the hearing on defendant's motion, attorney Ruben Vardanyan failed to appear in court.

The judge then adopted the tentative ruling as the final order of the court.

Lawzilla Opinion and Review

It is unknown, from the judge's order, why the plaintiff failed to appear for an examination.

It may be unknown because Mr. Vardanyan did not file an opposition to the motion to compel and did not appear in court to argue the motion.

Since attorney Vardanyan did not oppose the motion for sanctions against him it seems to us he may have agreed he deserved to be sanctioned.

Overall, based on what the judge said this is not a good look for an attorney.

Vardanyan did not file a motion to withdraw as counsel so presumably he is actively representing his client. But this representation cost him and his client $1215.

The judge said Vardanyan has engaged in an abuse of the discovery process.

Interestingly, there were TWO missed medical examinations that were part of defendant's motion.

The court on its own said the first examination was improperly noticed with the wrong address, but isn't this something you would want your attorney to argue?!

In our opinion it seems like attorney negligence or incompetence not to protect a client by noting this issue in the first place.

With respect to being sanctioned and a judge ruling an attorney is abusing the process, we view that as a serious matter. Lawzilla found a California State Bar order, involving a different attorney, indicating that being sanctioned by a judge for discovery misconduct can result in State Bar discipline for failing to competently perform legal services.

We doubt attorney Vardanyan faces any bar discipline as a result of this order, but this other case nonetheless illustrates to us that attorney competence is important.

It is information for you to use when evaluating whether to hire Ruben Vardanyan as an attorney or not.

Ruben Vardanyan Details

Ruben Vardanyan was admitted to the California Bar in 2015. Bar Number 303530.

Vardanyan Law Firm
30 North Raymond Avenue, Suite 205
Pasadena, California 91103

Law School: Loyola Law School

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