
Beautiful Scales of Justice!

Scales of Justice are quality gifts for attorneys or other professionals intended to be long lasting and openly and proudly displayed - so be looking for quality material.

Buying Guide

Space Considerations

Have a plan on where the Scales of Justice will go to make sure they fit in the space and look right.

Will they be on a desk? On a bookshelf? On a credenza? On a side table?

What other 'stuff' is already there and competing for space and attention?

If you have a large space will a small figure be overpowered by the space and whatever else is there and not be noticed? Or is the space too small and the statue will be to large and look out of place?


There is a wide range of material, from quality solid such as bronze to something simple like plastic.

If this is for an attorney remember who will be seeing this statue: other professionals and clients. Make sure your attorney is proud to show-off this gift and to tell people you gave it.

It is highly recommended you go for metal. Bronze historically looks great for this type of statue. Anything else may be unexpected and cause others to look at the figure oddly.

Bronze is more subdued and darker than brass, which is shiny. In most settings bronze will be a better choice.

Just Scales or Also Blind Justice?

Do you want simple scales - depicting the balancing in the law? Do you want scales that small objects can also be placed on? Do you want 'Blind Justice' - a classical, blindfolded female figure, holding the scales?

These are often personal preferences. Including the female figure will typically make the overall product larger, taller, and more expensive. At the same time, more majestic and in the classic mode of justice being blind and imparted equally.