Case Number: BC707973 Hearing Date: September 09, 2019 Dept: 2

Motion by Defendant, Lakewood Regional Medical Center, for an Order of Terminating Sanctions, or in the alternative, for an Order of Issue and Evidentiary Sanctions and for an Order of Monetary Sanctions, filed on 7/26/19, is GRANTED.

The entire action is dismissed for Plaintiff’s failure to comply with the court’s order of 7/8/19, requiring Plaintiff to provide verified responses without objection to all discovery within 10 days. Motion, Ex. A. Defendant gave notice of the court’s ruling on 7/9/19. Id.

Terminating sanctions are appropriate where there is outright refusal to comply with discovery obligations. Deyo v. Kilbourne, (1978) 84 Cal. App. 3d 771, 793.

Plaintiff’s failure to comply with the court’s order to provide verified responses to discovery without objection amounts to discovery abuse for which terminating sanctions are warranted.

The court also imposes monetary sanctions of $245.00 against Plaintiff, Da Vonya Grant, and her counsel of record, Alaba S. Ajetunmobi, Esq. Cal Code Civil Procedure § 2023.030(a). Such sanctions are payable within thirty (30) days.

Moving party is ordered to give notice.

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