California Bank Levy – Stopping Tax Levies Added to Lawzilla

Lawzilla is proud to announce an extremely unique guide to quickly and easily protecting your bank account from tax levies.

The California Bank Levy Solution is the first step by step guide that explains in easy to understand language what must be done to circumvent Franchise Tax Board levy attempts.

Using these legal strategies you can protect your cash so you have necessary funds for food and to put a roof over your head.

Everything you need is included.

It will take you less than an hour to implement these strategies.

Lawzilla will also be rolling out additional reports about California’s new Tax Snitch Law, which requires banks and other financial institutions to report your personal information and private bank details to the FTB. Even worse, the law prohibits your bank from telling you this is happening.

California Bank Levy Solution is designed to stay a step ahead of this draconian new law.

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