Case Number: BC524978    Hearing Date: October 20, 2014    Dept: 46

Case Number: BC524978
Filing Date: 10/17/2013
Case Type: Other Intentional Tort-not PI/WD/PD (General Jurisdiction)
Status: Pending

Happy Rooter, Inc.’s Motion to Compel Further Responses to Requests for Production of Documents, Set One

TENTATIVE RULING: Motion is denied. Plaintiff is granted monetary sanctions in the amount of $1,180 to be paid within 30 days. Happy Rooter, Inc. has failed to comply with CRC Rule 3.1345(c)(2) which requires that the moving party on a motion to compel further responses set forth in a separate statement the full “test of each response, answer, or objection, and any further responses or answers. The motion also fails on its merits because the order issues on 06/20/2014 did not indicate that the further responses had to be made without objections and because the 2nd and 3rd responses (Exhibits “D” and “G”) are sufficient and show that no documents were withheld on any basis other th an the attorney-client privilege or the work-product doctrine. The motion was made without substantial justification and it is appropriate to award Plaintiff sanctions in the amount of $1,800.

This tentative ruling is posted at 8:20 a.m. on Fri. 10/17/2014 and the matter is set for hearing on Mon. 10/20/2014 at 8:30 a.m. / If there are no parties other than Plaintiff/Petitioner, then Plaintiff/Petitioner may submit to the tentative without appearance by telephonic notification to the clerk of Dept. 46 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on a date prior to the hearing or morning prior to the hearing by calling (213) 974-5665, and the court will issue the tentative ruling as the final ruling. If the other parties have appeared in the action, then the parties must first confer and all agree that the tentative ruling will be the final ruling on the matter. If the parties to the matter before the court all agree, a representative of the parties may call the clerk and submit without an appearance, and the court will issue the tentative ruling as the final ruling. If an order is required, it should be lodged directly in Dept. 46 with a copy to adverse/other parties, if any.

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