Case Number: BC539808    Hearing Date: September 16, 2014    Dept: 46

Case Number: BC539808
Filing Date: 03/19/2014
Case Type: Injunct Relief-not Dom/Harrassmt (General Jurisdiction)
Status: Dismissed – Other 07/01/2014
Future Hearings

09/16/2014 at 08:32 am in department 46 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Motion for Attorney Fees & Costs

TENTATIVE RULING: Motion is UNOPPOSED. Motion for attorney’s fees is granted per CCP §425.16. Plaintiff is ordered to pay to Charles Parkin the sum of $4,589.80. Judgment shall be entered for such amount. Moving party to prepare judgment.

This tentative ruling is posted at 3:00 p.m. on 09/12/2014 and the matter is set for hearing on 09/16/2014 at 8:30 a.m.

If there are no parties other than Plaintiff/Petitioner, then Plaintiff/Petitioner may submit to the tentative without appearance by telephonic notification to the clerk of Dept. 46 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on a date prior to the hearing or morning prior to the hearing by calling (213) 974-5665, and the court will issue the tentative ruling as the final ruling. If the other parties have appeared in the action, then the parties must first confer and all agree that the tentative ruling will be the final ruling on the matter. If the parties to the matter before the court all agree, a representative of the parties may call the clerk and submit without an appearance, and the court will issue the tentative ruling as the final ruling. If an order is required, it should be lodged directly in Dept. 46 with a copy to adverse/other parties, if any.

The court finds that the sum of $4,589.80 is the reasonable attorney’s fees related to the Anti-Slapp motion and that $1,491.45 of the claimed $6,021.45 should be disallowed. Some of the discounted fees were inappropriate because they related to services that were incurred to oppose the TRO ($870) which was no part of the Anti-Slapp motion. Some of the fees were disallowed because there was no opposition to the motion and no need to review the motion (reduction of one hour attorney time – $300) nor prepare a reply. Costs are reduced from $381.65 to $120, the filing fees for the present motion and for the Anti-Slapp motion, as the other costs were not necessary to the Anti-Slapp or fee motion.

$6,021.45 – $870 – $300 – $261.65 = $4,589.80.


Frederick C. Shaller

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