Rosalinda Jimenez v. Bodega Latina Corporation, Inc

Lawzilla Additional Information:
Per the Los Angeles court records plaintiff is represented by attorney Bob Khakshooy who is being sanctioned by the court.

Case Number: BC633327 Hearing Date: May 01, 2018 Dept: 5

Superior Court of California
County of Los Angeles
Department 5

Rosalinda Jimenez,



Bodega Latina Corporation, Inc., et al.,


Case No.: BC633327

Hearing Date: May 1, 2018


defendant’S motions to compel discovery responses

Defendant Bodega Latina Corporation, Inc. dba El Super (“Defendant”) has filed three motions to compel responses from Plaintiff Rosalinda Jimenez (“Plaintiff”) to: (1) Request for Production of Documents (“RPD”), set one; (2) Form Interrogatories (“FROG”), set one; and (3) Special Interrogatories (“SROG”), set one.

On January 16, 2018, Defendant served the discovery requests on Plaintiff. Plaintiff’s discovery responses were due on February 20, 2018. Defense counsel granted a two-week extension, to March 6, 2018, to Plaintiff. As of the filing of the motions on March 20, 2018, Defendant has not received responses from Plaintiff. Plaintiff has not filed an opposition to any of Defendant’s motions.

Defendant’s motions to compel responses to the RPD, FROG, and SROG are granted pursuant to CCP §§2030.290 and 2031.300. Plaintiff is ordered to serve verified responses to Defendant’s form interrogatories, special interrogatories, and demand for inspection and production of documents, without objections, within twenty (20) days of notice of this order.

Defendant requests sanctions. The Court finds Plaintiff’s failure to respond a misuse of the discovery process. Sanctions have been sufficiently noticed against Plaintiff and Plaintiff’s counsel. The Court grants sanctions for 3.5 hours to prepare the four motions and appear at the hearing, at $165.00 per hour, plus three $60 filing fees, for a total of $757.50. Plaintiff Rosalinda Jimenez and Plaintiff’s counsel Bob B. Khakshooy are ordered to pay monetary sanctions in the amount of $757.50 to Defendant, by and through counsel, within thirty (30) days of notice of this order.

All parties should note that the hearing on this motion and all future hearings will take place at the Court’s new location: Spring Street Courthouse, 312 N. Spring Street, Department 5, Los Angeles, CA 90012.

Defendant is ordered to provide notice of this order, including the Court’s new location and new department number, and file proof of service of such.

DATED: May 1, 2018 ___________________________

Elaine Lu

Judge of the Superior Court

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